Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Packing It Up....

Alright guys, hang tight with me for the next two weeks or so....
The good news is... MY WIFE AND I ARE GETTING A HOUSE!!!

But the bad being, I have to burn through some of my supplies, pack away the rest, and more importantly devote a lot of time to moving in general...

So hang in there, and in the mean time, enjoy yet another one of my energy drink cocktails.  You'll be seeing a lot....

Nightmare Juice
3oz Monster Energy drink
3oz Midori Melon Liqueur
3oz Lemonade
Twist of Lime

Add all ingredients in generously into a cup filled with crushed ice and finish by twisting the lime on top.
The color is absolutely trippy....

I know it seems a lot like my last drink but trust me, every drop of Midori counts for something.  This unusual concentration of it makes it to be a sweet and almost creamy texture, but balanced by the acidity of the Monster and Lime.

I promise I'll have more ingredients and hopefully a wine review soon!!!


  1. a bit out of topic but when mixing drink, is it ok to increase the volume of the beverage by 100%?

    like in this one, you post 3oz each, can you make it 6oz each?

  2. Yes! Ive been needing to try some new drinks! This sounds amazing! Can't wait to try!

  3. hey! congrats on the house. I gotta check out some of your back posts, I love getting new recipes. also, yeah, it should be okay to increase as long as you're consistent. so if you double, double everything.

  4. @naj - Hell no! Increase that mother by %300 if needed.
    @Paladin - thanks!

    Thanks for the support guys!

  5. ahhh... hehe, i;m just curious about mixing drinks.

  6. can you do a post on the best kentucky bourbon?

  7. @lulz for me- I mention Bulleit Bourbon all the time in here. It's personally my favorite even after tasting just about damn near everything. I will do an official review on it one day however.

  8. but im too drunk to drive and get the necessary ingredients, tomorrow perhaps

  9. hahaha thats awesome. this blog is awesome. how'd u get that sweet background, i gotta get my beers in the background of mine.

  10. Congrats on getting a house! I hope it has a bar!


  11. grats on the house good sir. life is good.

  12. I appreciate you visiting my blog and providing input on my most recent post.

  13. Congrats! Is this recipe for the housewarming?

  14. Nightmare Juice sounds amazing! Thanks for the recipe, I'm definitely going to try it! :)
